what is really needed if you want to relax? I think travel is the right choice. Tours you can do wherever you want. you can go to the mountains, playing at Disneyland, and especially a stroll on the beach.
a walk on the beach is a real pleasure and relaxation. you will find peace and tranquility. nice place and I recommend is in Myrtle Beach. if you want to go there you need Myrtle Beach reservations. so that your comfort is assured, you also need to Myrtle Beach Accommodations for your journey smoothly.
http://www.seasidemb.com also a good choice, because it helps you find your travel solutions. Myrtle Beach is amazing, take a walk on the beach is also important that you feel relaxed
believe me, it's easy relaxation, comfort was important
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010
Kamis, 08 Juli 2010
One Month Entrepreneur : Untuk Indonesia Lebih Baik

Jumlah penduduk miskin di Indonesia pada Maret 2007 sebanyak 37,17 juta
jiwa atau 16,58 persen dari total jumlah penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 224,328
juta jiwa. Jumlah itu berkurang dibandingkan bulan Maret 2006 yang tercatat
sebanyak 39,30 juta jiwa 17,75 persen dari total penduduk. Perhitungan
kemiskinan tersebut dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) berdasarkan
Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) Panel Modul Konsumsi yang
dilakukan pada Maret 2006 dan Maret 2007. Penduduk dikategorikan miskin jika
rata-rata pengeluaran per kapita per bulan berada di bawah garis kemiskinan.
Deputi Kepala BPS Bidang Statistik Sosial Arizal Ahnaf menjelaskan, garis
kemiskinan pada Maret 2007 ditetapkan senilai Rp 166.697,00 per kapita per
bulan. Garis kemiskinan tersebut naik 9,67 persen dibandingkan garis kemiskinan
pada Maret 2006 yang tercatat senilai Rp 151.997,00 per kapita per bulan.
(Kompas, 3 juli 2007).
dari data di atas kita harus mengerti bahwasanya, bangsa ini tengah menghadapi sebuah permasalahan pelik. betapa kita lagi-lagi dihadapkan pada permasalahn "klasik" berupa permasalhan kemiskinan...tak tersentuhkah nurani kita?sebagai mahasiswa dan anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsanya?memberikan solusi bagi negaranya?
Entrepreneurship Sebagai Solusi
solusi terbaik untuk memecahkan persoalan tersebut ialah entrepreneur. dalam entrepreneur paling tidak ada tiga aktivitas penting yang terjadi, yakni :
- Penciptaan produk dengan jasa
- Penambahan nilai (value added) terhadap lingkungan sekitar
- Pemuasan Kebutuhan Konsumen
Heppy Trenggono
di kalangan pengusaha kelapa sawit, Heppy Trenggono adalah nama yang akrab di telinga. ia kini memiliki kebun kelapa sawit seluas kurang lebih 11.400 hektar yang menunjukkan bahwa omzet yang dimilikinya begitu besar dan mencapai ratusan miliar.
Ia menyebut United Balimuda Group sebagai pesantren dan bermimpi menjadikan kelompok usahanya ini sebagai sebuah model perusahaan modern yang dikelola berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip akidah Islamiyah. Visi Inspiring and Giving the World Through the Corporate Values menjadi sebuah spirit yang merupakan roh perkembangan Balimuda, yang kemudian ditularkannya lewat ‘dakwah kewirausahaan ( entrepreneurship ).
Pandangan-pandangan dan cara hidupnya, sebagai kepala keluarga dan pemimpin perusahaan, menarik dan menginspirasi banyak orang, termasuk kalangan pengusaha dan generasi muda. Bagi dia, jadi pengusaha itu belum bermanfaat kalau tidak dalam jalur kebaikan.Indonesia Islamic Business Forum
lidi berjumlah satu akan lebih mudah dipatahkan, tapi bila lidi berjumlah banyak maka kekuatannya akan bertambah. pepatah ini agaknya cocok dengan apa yang tengah dilakukan oleh kelompok ini. bergerak berdasarkan forum tentu akan lebih mudah dan kokoh. membangun kesadaran berislam sekaligus berwirausaha menajdikan IIBF sebagai salah satu forum bisnis islami terbesar dan terbaik di Indonesia.
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
Profitable Investment on Gold
centuries, human need and a high rate of metal called gold. ornaments made of gold and high-grade metal. gold price is very high, compared with a value of gold itself. price of gold as we know the value of high and stable. if you want a long term investment, gold is right choice.
Gold prices vary widely and investment offers a good alternative choice. Gold is also very profitable investment because its value is stable and assured, the value of gold will not be drastic if the price falls. a good choice in a recession.
gold Spot was also important in the investment because it will allow you to trade gold. Spot gold is also worth noting because in this era, the gold is not the exclusive merchandise that is difficult to find, the more easily because of its trade aided the-art technology.
Gold prices vary widely and investment offers a good alternative choice. Gold is also very profitable investment because its value is stable and assured, the value of gold will not be drastic if the price falls. a good choice in a recession.
gold Spot was also important in the investment because it will allow you to trade gold. Spot gold is also worth noting because in this era, the gold is not the exclusive merchandise that is difficult to find, the more easily because of its trade aided the-art technology.
Making Math Going Easier
mastering math is important. mathematics is important because it will help us to master the other exact sciences, like physics, chemistry, and even technology. we need math answers to mastery us closer to perfect. when you take the study of math, you'll want good results and value
when you lecture to your values you have to do homework so seriously .. if difficult may be the time for you to looking for math homework help. talking about mathematics, we also need to know algebra, calculus and Precalculus.
if we take certain math study we will found college algebra problems in class. in order to achieve perfect score we also need algebra homework help. as I try to look for advice from free college algebra help from the academic environment around you. mainly from friends. other parts of mathematics are calculus and Precalculus. in my opinion, calculus is difficult so I need calculus help to facilitate my work. I also need Precalculus help to help do my job.
It is important to master math, math is hard but there's nothing impossible if we intend to prevail.
when you lecture to your values you have to do homework so seriously .. if difficult may be the time for you to looking for math homework help. talking about mathematics, we also need to know algebra, calculus and Precalculus.
if we take certain math study we will found college algebra problems in class. in order to achieve perfect score we also need algebra homework help. as I try to look for advice from free college algebra help from the academic environment around you. mainly from friends. other parts of mathematics are calculus and Precalculus. in my opinion, calculus is difficult so I need calculus help to facilitate my work. I also need Precalculus help to help do my job.
It is important to master math, math is hard but there's nothing impossible if we intend to prevail.
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