
Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Myrtle Beach : One Of The Best Beach in US

All people, regardless of origin, in dire need of relaxation and leisure. I think people need a holiday, as we need to, food, drink, money and sex. because, with the holiday we can recharge our energy to get back on the move.

Lots of places that could be a means vacation, depending on our tastes. we could vacation to the mountains, the nearest town and of course, to the beach. many beautiful beaches in the world. for example, Kuta in Bali Indonesia, Phuket in Thailand and of course in Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. we can find Resort in Myrtle Beach as easily as we see the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Myrtle Beach resort is the place you need to ensure your comfort during your stay in Myrtle Beach. besides restaurants, other places to note is the hotel. Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotel can be your choice. Prepare your holiday, enjoy the beauty of Myrtle Beach.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Live Your Life - How to Live Your Life by Changing Your Limiting Beliefs

Our beliefs are the foundation of who we are, the thoughts we think, what we say and how we behave and act.

What we believe within ourselves we create outside of ourselves. It has been said, our inner world creates our outer world.

If we have beliefs that support us then we will more than likely achieve what we want.

However, if we have beliefs that do not support us, when we have limiting beliefs, we then limit ourselves; we limit what we can have or achieve.

For you to live your life the way you want to you will have to identify those beliefs that limit you and then change them. Most of us are used to living our daily lives in a certain way, by default, and yet we are not happy with what we get and we do not know why we do not get the things we want.

Why not step out to get what you want?

Why not step out and identify your current limiting beliefs in a certain area and challenge them; change them one by one. Here is an example, what would happen if you did not have that morning coffee? What would happen if you wake up tomorrow morning and instead of going for that coffee you went for a glass of fruit juice?

How would that affect your day?

Would you have the jitters? Would you be saying: "Oh my God. I need that coffee to function. I must have my morning coffee!" You need that coffee because you made it a habit to have your morning coffee. You think you need it. You believe you need it to start off your day.

For you to live your life on your own terms, you have to start off by changing your routine, your habits.

This way you will change your limiting beliefs around coffee. You do not need that coffee to turbo-charge your day. You think you do and so you turned that thought into a belief.

By changing the things you believe, you can actually change your reality.

Spend some time looking your beliefs and ask yourself these two questions: "Why do I believe this belief?" Then ask: "Does this belief support me in getting the things I want in my life?" If the belief does not support you it is then sabotaging you. So now you have the opportunity to change that belief from being a limiting sabotaging one to one that is self-enhancing and supporting.

Discover why you don't have what you want and how to get it. Get your free e-book Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs and eliminate those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Visit: Hani Al-Qasem is a published author and personal growth specialist.

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Motivation Through Challenge

Motivation is the driving force to do anything in life. Different people feel motivated by different things. Therefore, the factors resulting in sufficient motivation are as diverse as there are number of people. Now, we shall examine just one factor that motivates most people. This is the factor of facing a challenge.

Challenge and motivation go hand in hand. Below are some points proving this -

A. In nature, life in any form faces challenges from all around. Staying alive, in reality, is an act of overcoming challenges every minute. The urge to survive is fueled when there is challenge to the very existence.
B. Like animals, humans when faced with a situation where their survival is at stake feel motivated to somehow overcome the challenge. Their innate instincts are sufficiently stimulated at such times of dire crises.
C. Mundane existence of day-to-day life makes your challenge facing abilities go weak. This also leads to your motivation levels going down.
D. If by any means you can arouse your challenge accepting ability, you can again feel a surge in your motivation levels.

Motivation through challenge can be achieved when you develop an ability to perceive every event that requires best performance from you to be a challenge to your identity. This may come across as a very strong statement to many. Hence, some clarifications are offered below -

1. Humans mostly act on learned behavior patterns called habits, which determine all your actions.
2. It is possible to learn new behavior patterns.
3. When you are faced with a challenge you feel motivated to overcome it.
4. It is possible to isolate any situation as challenging.
5. It is possible to tune your mind to interpret any situation demanding action as a challenge and feel sufficiently motivated to act.
6. Motivation is always at your disposal when you relate your circumstances with challenge. All you need to do is to feel the challenge of the situation and you feel motivated to do something about it.
7. Challenge initiates such a reaction in you because it arouses your intrinsic animal nature to survive under crisis.
8. It may not be necessary for the crisis to be huge or as something capable of threatening your identity. It may just be a regular office or domestic issue. But, if you learn to accept it as a challenge, you see that you feel motivated to do something about it.
9. You simply perceive any situation to be important enough to qualify as a crisis. This is not really deception because most situations have a capacity to develop into real crises if left unchecked.
10. All you are doing is tuning your brain to react well in advance before you actually face a bigger crisis.

When you learn to motivate yourself by accepting challenges, you become unstoppable. So, feel the challenge. It helps you to self-motivate. It is the best skill that you can develop.

Copyright: WordPepTM

Author: Neena Dayal

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Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Pemerintah jual Rp8,3 triliun sukuk ritel

Senin, 08/02/2010 10:41:47 WIBOleh: Wisnu Wijaya
JAKARTA ( Pemerintah Indonesia menjual Rp8,03 triliun sukuk ritel seri 002. Angka itu melebihi dari target awal yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah yaitu Rp3 triliun.

Dirjen Pengelolaan Utang Departemen keuangan Rahmat Waluyanto mengatakan sukuk ritel, yang jatuh tempo pada Februari 2013, akan memberikan imbal hasil 8,7%.

"Total permintaan terhadap sukuk ritel itu mencapai Rp8,75 triliun," ujarnya seperti dikutip Bloomberg, hari ini.

Berdasarkan penulusuran Bisnis, PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI), salah satu agen penjual sukuk ritel, meminta alokasi tambahan dari target awal Rp800 miliar menjadi Rp1,5 triliun.

PT Trimegah Securities Tbk (TRIM) meminta tambahan alokasi dari target awal Rp300 miliar menjadi Rp475 miliar.

PT Danareksa Sekuritas meminta kenaikan menjadi Rp400 miliar dari target Rp300 miliar, sedangkan PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas di posisi Rp500 miliar.

PT Bahana Securities meminta alokasi tambahan sukuk ritel dari target semula Rp400 miliar menjadi Rp700 miliar, PT Ciptadana Securities meminta tambahan alokasi dari target Rp400 miliar menjadi Rp458 miliar, sedangkan PT Reliance Securities di posisi Rp150 miliar. (IAA)


MBA Scholarships Study-in-UK University of Exeter Business School

The Full-Time programme is designed to increase your management capability and develop your expertise in chosen areas. You begin by studying the business fundamentals that form the basis of management decision making in business. The next stage of the programme will increase your knowledge of management theory and how it applies to business organizations.

In the third stage you have to opportunity to develop your expertise in three chosen areas. While progressing through the first three stages of the programme, you will also undertake a module designed to develop your management skills. Finally everything you have learned is pulled together with a dissertation or business project on a subject of your choice.

The Exeter Full-time MBA is offered as a general management programme with an emphasis on management capability. The full-time programme is 12 months in length. The part-time programme may be taken over 36 months, fast track in 24 months. Part-time students attend lectures with full-time students.

Admission to the MBA programme is usually dependent upon a good first degree and a minimum of three years’ managerial experience. Many applicants find that they possess extensive work experience e.g. 8 years or more, or have attained a professional qualification but not completed formal degrees. Non-academic achievements are taken into consideration, therefore applicants with the one or more of the following skills and experience are in deed welcome and encouraged to submit an

  • Mature managers with extensive work experience
  • Extensive experience of technical or specialist work
  • Professionals planning career changes or returning to employment after a break from work
  • Professionals seeking to develop skills for broader management roles.

Scholarships & Bursaries
The following scholarships & bursaries are available for this programme:

  • Alumni Scholarship
  • Professional Scholarship
  • MBA Full-Fee Scholarships

MBA Full Fee Scholarships (applicable to the Full-Time MBA programme only)
The deadline has now passed and the full-fee scholarships have been awarded for 2009. Details of scholarships for 2010 will be published in due course. (Bookmark this page if you interested to apply this scholarship in the next year)

MBA Professional Scholarships
This year the Business School is offering scholarships for the Modular MBA Programme for entry in January 2010. The awards are made on the basis of working experience. For more information and how to apply please see the MBA Professional Scholarships page.

Alumni Scholarships (All MBA Programmes)
We naturally believe that graduates from our own programmes will make excellent students for our postgraduate programmes. For this reason we provide a £1,000 bursary for any graduate of the University of Exeter . As an Exeter alumnus, this bursary is available to you in addition to any other scholarships or bursaries you may be awarded.

MBA Fees
Full-time MBA: £17,500. To be paid either in full at the start of the programme, or in three equal instalments at the start of each term.
Part-time MBA: £17,500. To be paid either in full at the start of the programme, or in nine equal instalments at the start of each term.
Modula MBA: £17,800. To be paid either in full at the start of the programme, module by module, or annually.

University of Exeter Business School, Streatham Court, Exeter, Devon, UK EX4 4PU
Telephone: +44 1392 263200

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Mr. Alasan, Penghambat Sukses

Sembilan puluh sembilan persen dari semua kegagalan berasal dari
orang-orang yang punya kebiasaan berdalih

Kalau mau jujur, kita sering menciptakan alasan atas setiap kegagalan dan kesalahan yang kita lakukan. Sebagai contoh, pada waktu kita terlambat ke sekolah atau ke kantor, pikiran kita langsung mencari dan menciptakan alasan. Pikiran kita diarahkan untuk mencari alasan untuk menghindari kesalahan yang kita lakukan. Jika ada sekolah alasan, maka setiap kita mungkin telah mendapatkan gelar doctor bahkan mungkin ada diantara kita sudah mendapatkan gelar professor. Ketika kita dilahirkan tidak ada orang tua yang mengajarkan bagaimana menciptakan alasan atas setiap kesalahan yang kita lakukan.

Kita selalu menciptakan alasan untuk menghindari hukuman atas kesalahan yang kita lakukan. Kita harus pahami, bahwa alasan yang kita ciptakan tidak pernah memberikan perubahan dalam hidup kita.
Alasan adalah penghambat kesuksesan. Setiap alasan yang kita ciptakan atas kegagalan yang terjadi adalah tirai yang ditancapkan untuk membatasi dan memenjarakan kita setiap saat. Saudara dari berdalih adalah sikap mengeluh. Karyawan yang senang membuat alasan, pasti selalu mengeluh dengan gaji yang diterima dan mengeluh dengan kebijakan dan aturan yang ditetapkan perusahaan. Anak yang selalu menciptakan alasan atas kesalahan yang dilakukan, selalu mengeluh dengan keadaan fisiknya, kondisi ekonomi keluarga, fasilitas pendidikannya, dan semuanya.

Banyak orang mengharapkan tubuhnya langsing dan mengharapkan orang lain yang melakukannya untuk dirinya. Mereka mengharapkan orang lain yang berolahraga untuk dirinya, orang lain yang diet makanan lezat untuk dirinya, orang lain yang hidup disiplin untuk dirinya. Sesuatu yang mustahil.

Jika Anda ingin menciptakan kehidupan yang penuh keberhasilan, Anda harus memegang kendali hidup Anda. Mulai sekarang, berhenti berdalih, berhenti mengeluh, berhenti mengeluh atas kekurangan fisik Anda, berhenti mengeluh atas ketidakadilan yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda, berhenti menggunakan alasan mengapa Anda tidak bisa dan belum mendapatkan apa yang Anda impikan sampai saat ini, dan berhenti menyalahkan keadaan di luar diri Anda. Anda harus berjanji pada diri Anda, bahwa mulai saat ini, Anda berhenti melakukan semuanya itu selamanya. Tindakan berhenti menyalahkan adalah tanda bahwa Anda mengasihi diri Anda dan masa depan Anda. Berhenti sejenak (selama 5 menit), tuliskan dan katakan sebanyak 7 (tujuh) kali pada diri Anda kalimat ini: Saya bertanggungjawab atas hidup saya ! Harus ditanamkan dalam benak Anda, bahwa Andalah satu-satunya orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap hidup Anda.
Kesuksesan adalah keputusan untuk mengubah hambatan menjadi kesempatan untuk meraih sukses. Mungkin salah satu hal yang menghambat Anda untuk meraih sukses karena Anda dipenuhi dengan berbagai macam dalih. Hentikan dalih Anda jika Anda ingin meraih keberhasilan di tahun 2009. Jadikan tahun 2009 sebagai tahun penuh berkat dan pelipatgandaanmujizat, kepercayaan dan keberhasilan. GBU

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Ketika Raja Louis XVI digulingkan dari takhtanya dan dijebloskan ke dalam penjara, puteranya yang merupakan pangeran penerus takhta kerajaan diculik oleh orang-orang yang mengkudeta kerajaan.

Sang pangeran dihadapkan pada hal-hal yang paling menjijikan secara moral. Mereka pikir, jika sang pangeran terpengaruh pada godaan duniawi maka ia tidak akan bisa mencapai takdirnya sebagai raja.

Setiap hari, sang pangeran disuguhi berbagai makanan yang mewah yang jumlahnya sangatlah banyak, minuman anggur, para pelacur yang sangat erotis, bahkan kata-kata jorok dan kasar yang tidak layak diucapkan oleh bangsawan seperti dia.

Hari berganti hari, hingga akhirnya setelah enam bulan, mereka menyerah. Sang pangeran ternyata tidak tergoda sedikit pun terhadap godaan dunia. Mereka pun bertanya kenapa sang pangeran begitu teguh. Sang pangeran berujar, ”Aku tidak mungkin melakukan hal-hal menjijikan seperti itu, karena sejak dilahirkan Aku telah ditakdirkan sebagai seorang raja“.

Kita harus mempunyai keteguhan dalam mempertahankan impian kita. Tidak dapat dimungkiri bahwa perjalanan menuju ke tangga sukses penuh onak dan duri.

Lantas bagaiamana kita bisa memiliki keteguhan? Yang terpenting kita harus mempunyai paradigma atau citra diri yang positif kepada diri kita. Siapakah kita? Apa takdir kita di dunia ini?

Diri Anda andalah makhluk Tuhan yang paling sempurna. Takdir Anda adalah mengabdikan dirinya. Menyerukan namanya di dunia ini. Apapun impian Anda, berjuanglah atas nama Dia. Maka, rintangan apapun tidak akan bisa menghalangi Anda.

Jika Dia hendak mengangkat Anda, tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa menjatuhkan Anda. Begitupun jika Dia hendak menjatuhkan Anda, maka tak seorang pun di dunia ini yang bisa mengangkat Anda.

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